
Member Magic features a sophisticated debtors ledger to manage your members financials, custom built for the needs of a club. Some feature highlights:

  • efficient and flexible bulk invoicing tools for membership renewal and other billing,
  • support for payment systems such as BPay, DDS, and online credit card payment,
  • member credit or wallet balances interface to point of sale,
  • support for house support levies,
  • prize awarding and tracking,
  • loyalty rewards

Member Magic's Debtors Ledger interfaces with several point of sale systems to allow it to manage all member transactions, and can post to General Ledger systems: Xero or MYOB AccountRight

Member Accounts

Specialised Debtors Ledger

To suit the needs of clubs, Member Magic Accounts is at its core a specialised Debtor's Ledger which organises transactions as follows:

  • it records transactions in invoices, credits, receipts, refunds and settled credits.
  • It is a fully allocating system, providing precise historical information by having all receipt amounts directly allocated to specific charge lines of the invoices they are paying for.
  • To handle unique club needs of member point of sale accounts and tracking prize balances held by members, it can maintain multiple separate balances per member ('sub-accounts'), including expiring balances, loyalty balances, 'house support' levies, and a credit limit, that each have different rules including where they can be spent and when/if they expire.

Member-centric accounts view

Member Magic Accounts has a central transaction viewing interface that displays transactions by Member. Currently outstanding invoices & their charges are shown by default, and filtering tools allow the user to easily review paid invoices and receipts for the member's entire history with the club. From this interface, individual invoices can can be added using a carefully designed dialog that prefills the invoice date, charge descriptions and amounts where possible. Receipts can also be easily entered, with receipt date and amount suggested, and with a single receipt able to pay owing balances across multiple members at once.

Support for House Levies

For clubs with integrated point of sale, pre-paid or post-paid house support levies are also supported. In the pre-paid levy system, members are billed an amount initially that then becomes available to spend during that year (and if unspent by the end of the year is forfeited to the club). In a post-paid levy system, members commit to spend to a target amount through the year, and are billed at the end of the year for any amount they did not spend. Both systems are fully supported, including year end billing for unspent or now due amounts, across all members in a single process.

Invoicing & Statements

Batch invoicing

Member Magic has a powerful bulk billing system, designed to make it easy to invoice many club members at once, while also have flexibility to handle the unique fee structure in use at any club. The bulk billing system is built to handle a variety of requirements:

  • A typical annual membership renewal can be configured, run and printed in less than a day. This can include multiple charges per member category, and other conditional billing.
  • A standard member facilities management system can track all lockers or storage spaces in use by members, and bulk invoice them periodically.
  • Marina billing can invoice members for pens & moorings or boats.
  • Golf billing & prize crediting can charge members for entry to a competition and/or award prizes into member accounts.
  • General-purpose billing tools can bulk-invoice any group of members based on almost any selection criteria.

Invoice Instalments Wizard

An instalments wizard makes it easy to split an invoice into instalments, future dated across months, to accurately reflect a payment plan the club may arrange with members. This enables accurate aged receivables reporting, and supports the powerful monthly direct debit payment system.

Member Statements

Member account statements can be generated one at a time, or for any number of members at once. They can be generated showing member balances as at any date, and are available in multiple formats to suit the needs of the club. Several attractive and functional statement designs are available out-of-the-box, including many configurable options to match the club's payment terms. Custom statement designs can also be created if required.

Statements can be generated & sent to members in bulk, with a split between sending them via email where possible, and printing the remainder.

Payment Systems

Member Magic has specialised support for many different payment systems, so your club can offer members the most frictionless payment options possible.

Online payment

An integrated online credit card payment facility in the Member Portal allows members to see their owing balance and pay it immediately from their computer, tablet or smartphone. Payments are made through a third-party payment processor, presently we support Stripe and PayPal. Your club can create an account directly with the payment provider at no charge, and payments are sent directly to you.

Batch Direct Debit System (DDS)

Member Magic can automatically calculate the exact amount to charge to each member, via powerful rules that allow clubs to offer members to pay all or only certain parts of their balances by DDS. Member Magic then generates a payments batch file to match the requirements of your preferred bank or 3rd party payment processor DDS system. There is support for both credit card and bank account automatic debiting systems. Member Magic works with many DDS processing systems:

  • NAB CSV Transact
  • Westpac / St Georges / Bank of Melbourne PayWay Batch
  • ANZ eGate BatchLoader
  • CBA eVolve & CBA Bpoint CC
  • EziDebit
  • support for other DDS systems is added as required


Member Magic has detailed BPay support, including generating BPay-compliant customer reference numbers and displaying BPay payment details on invoices & statements. Additionally, when a BPay payments report is available, Member Magic has a BPay payments import tool to automatically process them into receipts.

Electronic Funds Transfer

Member Magic's invoices & statements can display a clear description of bank account payment details, including a member reference number to allow easy identification of the payer.

Cash and cheques

Member Magic Accounts has a process to prepare bank deposit batches, to support management of cash and cheque payments.

Automatic Surcharge Calculation

Surcharges can be specified per payment method (eg 2% on American Express payments), which are then automatically calculated during receipt entry, during total payable calculation for online payments or DDS batches, and optionally shown as an extra line on statements & invoices.


Manage your member database with powerful reporting tools. Dozens of standard reports cover the basics, then several custom report systems allow you to build your own reports, or export data to analyse in Excel.

Standard Financial Reports

Member Magic Accounts has extensive reporting capabilities, including many standard financial reports such as:

  • Aged Receivables
  • Credit balances report
  • General Ledger and Point of Sale reconciliation reports
  • Flexible charge and receipt reports - that take filter criteria to display whichever subset and date range of transactions required

Report Generator

Users can build their own custom reports using this very powerful Report Generator. Reports can be designed based on most financial information recorded, including on invoices, charges, receipts, allocations, and member facilities. The fields on the report can be fully customised, along with subheading grouping and sort order, and totals tallied on quantities or currency fields. Criteria can be specified to control who appears on the reports.

These custom reports can be output to a variety of destinations - printed, saved to PDF, or results can be exported as data for editing or analysis in Excel. Finally, the report design itself - the layout and criteria - can be saved to be re-run in future to see new results based on Member Magic data at that time.

General Ledger

General Ledger Interface

Member Magic's Debtors Ledger has a transaction export interface to send transactions in accruals mode to a General Ledger, to avoid needing to do any double entry of receipts. An interface is available for:

  • Xero Accounting Software
  • MYOB AccountRight

Transactions from Member Magic's Debtors Ledger are batched before sending to the General Ledger, to the optimal level to keep the General Ledger file small and clean, while providing detail needed for bank reconciliations. Numerous reports are built in to ensure the General Ledger postings are fully auditable, and balance to the cent, for every account at the end of every month.

Cash-based reporting support

For small clubs that run simplified cash-based accounting, Member Magic also includes a set of standard reports to easily post a monthly summary of activity to the General Ledger.

Have a Chat

To speak with us about how Member Magic can be used at your club, please call 1300 720 102, email, or:

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